For Job Seeker

STS Career

Search To Shine ー あなたが、輝けるキャリアを。


Who is STS Career?

Founded in 2013, STS Innovations, Inc. started as a business focused on IT Consulting. While expanding over time into other consulting-related services, we also evolved into an enterprise that branches into five key areas: Our mission at STS Career, the Recruiting Department is to improve our clients’ profits while providing our candidates with unique and rewarding employment opportunities. We aim to be the highest quality provider to each niche sector we serve. We pride ourselves on our prompt execution, innovation, and integrity.


  • STEP 1

    Profiling & Planning

    We treat each job seekers with the utmost respect and strategically collaborate to meet their professional goals. Our recruiters diligently and carefully discuss your expertise and career objective. We also would love to hear your ideal schedule, workplace culture preference, salary expectations, your short- and long-term career goal, etc. Honesty is always the best policy. Please be up front and straightforward about what you’re looking for - and what you’re not, so we can find the positions that best fits you.
  • STEP 2

    Sourcing & Searching

    After the first consultation, your recruiter will have a full picture of you and your career. When a prospective position align with your interests and skills arises, you will be contacted and provided with the job description and details. If you are interested, the screening process will get started by submitting your resume and information to the hiring manager. If you’re not interested, it’s absolutely fine to decline.
  • STEP 3

    Assessing & Interviewing

    Once you are shortlisted for an interview, we coordinate the interview and follow up with you as the process continues. Our relationships with employers enable us to give you a valuable information and tips such as company rundown, interviewer’s background and types of questions that maybe asked, in order to help you be as prepared as possible.
  • STEP 4

    Concluding & Follow-up

    Our goal is to advocate for you throughout the process until you successfully land an ideal job. We also pride ourselves on staying current with the market and industry trends, so feel free to ask if you need assistance in assessing a situation and making a decisive decision. Your recruiter also supports you in managing background check and pre-boarding to ensure you are ready to begin work.


STS Career

Head Office
3350 Scott Blvd. #5502, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA

Los Angeles Office
1308 Border Ave Torrance, CA 90501 USA
Contact Us

STS Innovation